Two weeks ago I saw a great post on Strobist about a DIY globe for an Alien bee strobe and further down a comment for a Profoto mod from a reader. For those of you who don't know about the Profoto Globe it is a beautiful lighting tool for soft even light with a dramatic fall off. I shot this image entirely with one ProGlobe boomed over the center of the table.
I love working with this particular quality of light and have rented the modifier several times but could never justify the $650 purchase. This DIY however only cost $32.70 for the Profoto Speed Ring from B&H (including shipping) and $11.97 for the Acrylic Dome from Home Depot. This particular mod does not have the Softbox option on the speed ring like the real one but for a $605 difference it is something I will live with. Also when you get both items you would think they were built for each other. The speed ring and the dome literally snap into each other perfectly with no need for adhesives or screws of any kind. In both posts people also recommend drilling heat vent holes on the domes and while I don't have mine drilled yet I would agree with this additional work. I shoot with 7B's and 600R's so heat build up is minimal for the most part, but I will get to it. Thank you all for your posts I don't normally get excited about mods or DIY's but this one had me giddy.
To add to the discourse I wanted to share an older mod of mine for Magnum Reflectors. This one is not as cheap but it will save you some money. When you purchase your Profoto heads they usually come with the small umbrella reflector which I never use because I prefer the 7" Grid Reflectors. I came across a used pair of Elinchrom 50 degree Magnum reflectors and they have a bayonet style connection so I simply drilled two holes in the Profoto umbrella reflectors and used some screws to mount them. The fit is near perfect. The Elinchrom Magnum is $97.21 and the Profoto Magnum is $309. If you don't use those little reflectors this is a good way to get some long throws into your bag for a little less scratch.